Get Ireland Walking! through a systems approach
Using systems science to understand and enhance walking promotion in Ireland Physical activity promotion in Ireland, and worldwide, is the ‘business of many but the responsibility of none’. Organisations from many sectors have a role to play yet the activities of one sector can’t be…
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Nordic Walking Campus: the paths of wellness
An idea to teach and practice the Nordic Walking In Italy, inactivity is a widespread issue. According to 2019 ISTAT data (published in 2020) 35.6% of the population doesn’t do any physical activity. In the Piedmont region of Northwest Italy, 38.2% of the inhabitants have…
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Active School Flag: ‘Finding the Fit’
Learnings from an established, whole-of-school physical activity initiative operating at scale in Ireland. Whole-of-school physical activity initiatives have been identified by ISPAH as one of the #8Investments in physical activity. But research indicates that they can be challenging to design and to implement, particularly…
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“Be a Champion!” in rural US schools
School health champions take a tailored approach to promoting physical activity through policy, environment, and strategy change. Schools play a key role in providing youth with opportunities for physical activity, but often lack resources, expertise, and motivation to enact change, especially in rural areas. There…
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Video: A Government Mandated School Physical Activity Policy: Can We Support Teachers to Implement It?
Read the full paper:https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2020-103764 Suggested citation: International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Community Hub Video. Available from: wordpress-800566-2740760.cloudwaysapps.com/community-hub/. Original Research: Nathan N, Hall A, McCarthy N, et al. Multi-strategy intervention increases school implementation and maintenance of a mandatory physical activity policy: outcomes of…
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Communities4Walkability: A citizen science project in rural Australia
Community members as citizen scientists identify environmental characteristics that influence walkability and active living in rural areas. People who live in places where it is easy to get around by walking – ‘walkable’ places – are more likely to be healthy and active than those…
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Avoiding ‘voltage drop’ in schools research
Designing and evaluating a scalable whole-of-school physical activity intervention that is effective and inexpensive. Physical inactivity is a global problem and schools are ideal settings to address this challenge. Single component interventions (e.g., physical education only) can increase students’ activity during one segment of the…
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Creating A Solution that transforms physical activity culture in schools
A whole school framework to embed physical activity at the heart of the school so that it becomes everyone’s responsibility. The Global Action Plan on Physical Activity highlights just how complex it is to change levels of physical activity. Schools are an important component of…
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Researchers work with City Hall to develop local solutions to promote sport and recreation for all
University faculty proposes local community sports facilities to combat physical inactivity in Arad, Romania Aurel Vlaicu University through the Physical Education and Sport Faculty are involved in improving the recreational sports infrastructure for all the citizens in the city of Arad, Romania. Statistics from the…
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Time, Training, Trust – making movement prescription an easier choice
Why aren’t more doctors prescribing physical activity? The World Health Organization ranks physical inactivity as the 4th leading risk factor for death worldwide. The need is greater than ever to integrate physical activity into all facets of healthcare. Physical activity can reverse or help manage…
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Embedding physical activity into the curriculum of trainee healthcare professionals
National action in the UK to raise the visibility and quality of physical activity teaching for healthcare professionals The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018 – 2030 (GAPPA) highlights the importance of the health sector in tackling inactivity globally. GAPPA…
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Collaborative working to increase walking in local parks
Academics work with local stakeholders to enhance a community asset in a deprived area of a UK town Delapré Park is a 550-acre urban park in Northampton in the East Midlands region of the United Kingdom that has been the location for local partnership working…
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