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Join Us

ISPAH is a membership-based society, which invites membership from all individuals with an interest in physical activity and health, including academics, practitioners and policymakers. Each individual member of the Society receives a range of benefits including access to the an exclusive members areas of ISPAH website, full access to publications in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, priority booking onto ISPAH courses, exclusive webinars, and discounted registration at the biennial ISPAH Congress.

As these benefits are provided on an individual basis, ISPAH does not offer an ‘organisational’ membership option. So sign up to join the Society today, and encourage your colleagues to join too. Together we can work towards creating a more active and healthy world.

Income Classification

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Prior to commencing your application, please check your Country’s income classification. High, middle and low income is based on The World Bank classifications. Please only select low/middle income if you are living and working in and funded by an institution or organisation in a low- or middle-income country; or are living and working in a high-income country but funded by an institution or organisation in a low- or middle-income country (as recognised by the World Bank). Your membership category will be verified upon completion of your application and misclassification will be addressed.

Journal of Physical Activity and Health

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We offer our members access to our flagship journal – the Journal of Physical Activity and Health (JPAH). ISPAH membership fees must be paid in full in order to access the journal. If you would like to access JPAH, please do so within the membership section of our website once you have subscribed. ISPAH members also receive a $1000 discount on Free Access publications.

Pricing Table

Membership fees must be renewed every two years to maintain membership status and your ISPAH account. Once an application for membership for ISPAH has been received and processed, the membership fees are due immediately. There are no refunds for membership fees once they have been received and processed.

On applying for a student membership, you will be required to verify your student status. If you are unable to do this, you will be required to pay the balance remaining for a full membership. All membership fees are payable in US dollars.

All memberships listed below are for a period of 2 years.

Membership TypeClassificationPrice USD ($)
ProfessionalHigh Income Country215
ProfessionalMiddle Income Country85
ProfessionalLow Income Country20
StudentHigh Income Country85
StudentMiddle Income Country20
StudentLow Income Country0
RetiredHigh Income Country85
RetiredMiddle Income Country20
RetiredLow Income Country0
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Vacancy Application

Once you have completed the application please select 'Submit' below. A copy of your application will also be sent to you via email and directly to the ISPAH Board for review.