Ispah 200x392

Choose your membership

Please select your location and membership type. Once you have selected your options you will be directed to the registration & payment page. 

If you experience any difficulties with our Payment Service Providers (Stripe or PayPal), please contact us about your issue – alternate payment options are available.

Note: Please ensure you select the correct options before moving to the next stage. Please only select low/middle income if you are living and working in and funded by an institution or organisation in a low- or middle-income country; or are living and working in a high-income country but funded by an institution or organisation in a low- or middle-income country (as recognised by the World Bank). Our membership team cross-reference the location and membership type with the details submitted during registration and with your corresponding payment details. If this information is entered incorrectly at this stage your membership will automatically be cancelled.

Membership Options

You have selected a high income country. Next, please select your membership type: *
You have selected a middle income country. Next, please select your membership type: *
You have selected a low income country. Next, please select your membership type: *
Sign in
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Vacancy Application

Once you have completed the application please select 'Submit' below. A copy of your application will also be sent to you via email and directly to the ISPAH Board for review.