Category: Whole-School Programmes

  • TransformUs – Revolutionising the classroom through movement

    TransformUs – Revolutionising the classroom through movement

    14 years of research to practice for a whole-school-physical activity initiative The current educational norm in Australia and globally is for students to sit for approximately 75% of the school day. This is despite the fact that prolonged sedentary (sitting) time is linked to negative health outcomes, lower levels of concentration and decreased academic achievement.…

  • Active School Flag: โ€˜Finding the Fitโ€™

    Active School Flag: โ€˜Finding the Fitโ€™

    Learnings from an established, whole-of-school physical activity initiative operating at scale in Ireland.   Whole-of-school physical activity initiatives have been identified by ISPAH as one of the #8Investments in physical activity. But research indicates that they can be challenging to design and to implement, particularly at scale. Irelandโ€™s Active School Flag (ASF) programme is a…

  • โ€œBe a Champion!โ€ in rural US schools

    โ€œBe a Champion!โ€ in rural US schools

    School health champions take a tailored approach to promoting physical activity through policy, environment, and strategy change. Schools play a key role in providing youth with opportunities for physical activity, but often lack resources, expertise, and motivation to enact change, especially in rural areas. There are disproportionately higher rates of overweight and obesity in poor…

  • Video: A Government Mandated School Physical Activity Policy: Can We Support Teachers to Implement It?ย 

    Video: A Government Mandated School Physical Activity Policy: Can We Support Teachers to Implement It?ย 

    Read the full paper: Suggested citation: International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Community Hub Video. Available from: Original Research: Nathan N, Hall A, McCarthy N, et al. Multi-strategy intervention increases school implementation and maintenance of a mandatory physical activity policy: outcomes of a cluster randomised controlled trial.ย British Journal of Sports Medicineย 2022;56:385-393. DOI:…

  • Avoiding โ€˜voltage dropโ€™ in schools research

    Avoiding โ€˜voltage dropโ€™ in schools research

    Designing and evaluating a scalable whole-of-school physical activity intervention that is effective and inexpensive. Physical inactivity is a global problem and schools are ideal settings to address this challenge. Single component interventions (e.g., physical education only) can increase studentsโ€™ activity during one segment of the day, but this is not enough to increase studentsโ€™ overall…

  • Creating A Solution that transforms physical activity culture in schools

    Creating A Solution that transforms physical activity culture in schools

    A whole school framework to embed physical activity at the heart of the school so that it becomes everyoneโ€™s responsibility. The Global Action Plan on Physical Activity highlights just how complex it is to change levels of physical activity. Schools are an important component of a whole of system societal approach for the promotion of…

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