In the coming years, ISPAH would like to expand its education and capacity building activities and the main focus of this portfolio is to lead this expansion. The portfolio lead is supported by a committee (currently 8 members) in developing, coordinating, and facilitating education and capacity building activities.
- Lead the preparation of an ISPAH education development strategy
- Lead the preparation of a series of concepts for education and capacity building activities
- Coordinate and support the members of the education committee in their tasks, which include among others:
- The development of education and capacity building materials and/or liaising with external experts to develop materials
- The organization of education and capacity building activities including in-person and online
- Work with ISPAH Communications committee to coordinate education communications
- Drafting content for the ISPAH Communications Committee, including social media posts, newsletter content and other modes if deemed relevant (e.g., video, podcast)
- Once content is drafted, work with the ISPAH Communications Committee to coordinate branding of the content, in line with ISPAH’s Brand Guidelines and style
- Once content is branded, work with the ISPAH Communications Committee to schedule content across communication channels (a timeline of content)
- Work with ISPAH IT team (Board lead and service provider) to ensure education IT systems are working efficiently
- Online registration portal for education and capacity building activities
- Zoom webinar system
- Online calendar with education and capacity building activities
- Work with ISPAH Councils lead to ensure that ISPAH Councils are supported to host their education and capacity building activities
- Work with ISPAH Early Career Network (ECN) lead to ensure that the ECN is supported to host its education and capacity building activities.
- Work with the ISPAH Advocacy lead to ensure capacity building activities related to advocacy are facilitated
- Assess and endorse external education and capacity building activities
- Experience with developing concepts for education and capacity building activities
Expected time commitment
- 2 hours per week, up to 8 hours per week, depending on desired commitment.