
Date Added: April 5, 2024
Commitment: 1 – 2 hour(s) per week
Closing Date: June 30, 2024
Duration: 2 years


ISPAH is seeking to appoint a Treasurer to lead on the important role of finance and be part of ISPAH executive committee on the board. The post-holder will have oversight of ISPAHs finances and will manage the day-to-day financial management of the organisation. In congress years, they will also assist with the conference budget and planning. The appointee does not need to have specific financial training but a head for numbers and understanding on basic financial spreadsheets is essential. A key role of the Treasurer is to ensure financial stability in today’s challenging financial climate.  


  • Lead on all aspects of ISPAH finances in its day-to-day operation and biennial conference including online banking and wire transfers 
  • Provide financial support to all ISPAH activity and support other board members in financial implications work in their portfolio. 
  • Coordinate annual reports and tax with our appointed external association management firm 
  • Provide reports (written/verbal) on Finance at ISPAH Board meetings. 


  • A head for numbers and spreadsheets 
  • Trustworthy and discrete with financial matters 
  • Excellent communication skills and managing a wide-ranging portfolio  
  • Ability to work effectively in partnership with diverse people and organisations. 

Application Form

Please complete the vacancy application form below. You will receive written confirmation once your application has been submitted.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Outline your motivation for applying for this position and your skills relevant to the role. Please also confirm you are able to commit the neccecary time to the role as described in the position description. (Max 150 words) *
Social media handles
Any other information you’d like to include with your application? Please do not use this section to expand on your motivation for applying for this position.
Please provide a short statement (no more than 500 words, which should include a response to the question: What would you see as key priorities for the Society over the next six years?) *
Please attach your letter(s) of support. You must have at least one letter of support from a fellow ISPAH member. You can add more than one letter of support if you wish to do so *
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Accepted File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX
Please note: If you are adding more than 1 file (letter of support) please hold down your shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files on your desktop file explorer. You can attach up to 5 letters of support per submission.
Attach your CV (2 pages maximum) to support your application *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Accepted File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX
Confirmation *

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