• Chair of the Early Career Network (ECN) Committee

    Description:  The focus of this portfolio is to promote engagement from early career researchers (I.e., <7 years post-PhD) in ISPAH. This is to be done through the biennial meeting, webinars, and other initiatives throughout the year and with a team of individuals representing each WHO…

    2 minutes read

  • Chair of the Capacity Building Committee

    In the coming years, ISPAH would like to expand its education and capacity building activities and the main focus of this portfolio is to lead this expansion. The portfolio lead is supported by a committee (currently 8 members) in developing, coordinating, and facilitating education and…

    2 minutes read

  • President Elect

    The President of ISPAH is elected by the membership. The role involves a 6-year commitment – 2 years as President-elect, 2 years as President, and 2 years as Past President.    The key roles of the President-elect are: Roles of the ISPAH President are: Roles of…

    4 minutes read

  • Partnerships Director

    It is important that ISPAH works in partnership with other (funding and non-funding) individuals and organisations to maximise efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its Vision, Mission and Goals through its professional activities. With this in mind, ISPAH is looking to appoint a new Board Member to lead its partnership portfolio.  …

    2 minutes read

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