
Date Added: January 15, 2024
Commitment: 2 – 4 hour(s) per week
Closing Date: February 15, 2024
Duration: 2 years


The main mission of the Capacity Building Committee is to build capacity around physical activity as a global health priority for all, recognising diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, resources and advocacy. This mission aligns with ISPAH’s goal of developing capacity in research and practice on physical activity and public health worldwide.   

To do so, the Committee aims to develop and deliver a variety of online capacity building activities (for example, thematic webinars, seminars and skills-based workshop) for professionals and students within the ISPAH community including researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the physical activity field. These activities would serve to develop knowledge and skills, foster international collaboration and networking as well as supporting professional development. 

The main role as Chair of the Capacity Building Committee is to lead the preparation of an ISPAH Capacity Building strategy and develop a series of concepts for education and capacity building activities.  


  • Coordinate and support the members of the capacity building committee in their tasks, which include among others: 
  • The development of education and capacity building materials and/or liaising with external experts to develop materials.  
  • The organisation of education and capacity building activities including in-person and online events.  
  • Working with the ISPAH Communications committee to coordinate education related communications: 
    • Drafting content for the ISPAH Communications Committee, including social media posts, newsletter content and other modes if deemed relevant (e.g., video, podcast) 
    • Once content is drafted, work with the ISPAH Communications Committee to coordinate branding of the content, in line with ISPAH’s Brand Guidelines and style 
    • Once content is branded, work with the ISPAH Communications Committee to schedule content across communication channels  
  • Working with the ISPAH IT Systems Director to ensure education-related IT systems are working efficiently: 
    • Online registration portal for education and capacity building activities  
    • Zoom webinar system 
    • Online calendar with education and capacity building activities 
  • Working with ISPAH Member Engagement Lead to ensure that ISPAH Councils are supported to host their education and capacity building activities. 
  • Working with ISPAH Early Career Network (ECN) Lead to ensure that the ECN is supported to host its education and capacity building activities. 
  • Working with the ISPAH Executive Committee to ensure capacity building activities related to advocacy are facilitated. 
  • Assessing and endorsing external education and capacity building activities. 

We are looking for someone to start shadowing from June, to officially take over in October.


  • Excellent communication and organisational skills 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Excited about science communication and innovative ideas   
  • Passion for enhancing and strengthening capacity within the physical activity field 

Application Form

Please complete the vacancy application form below. You will receive written confirmation once your application has been submitted.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email: *
Outline your motivation for applying for this position and your skills relevant to the role. Please also confirm you are able to commit the neccecary time to the role as described in the position description. (Max 150 words) *
Social media handles
Any other information you’d like to include with your application? Please do not use this section to expand on your motivation for applying for this position.
Please provide a short statement (no more than 500 words, which should include a response to the question: What would you see as key priorities for the Society over the next six years?) *
Please attach your letter(s) of support. You must have at least one letter of support from a fellow ISPAH member. You can add more than one letter of support if you wish to do so *
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Accepted File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX
Please note: If you are adding more than 1 file (letter of support) please hold down your shift key on your keyboard to select multiple files on your desktop file explorer. You can attach up to 5 letters of support per submission.
Attach your CV (2 pages maximum) to support your application *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Accepted File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX
Confirmation *

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