Tools to support implementation of WHO GAPPA
World Health Organization Physical Activity Guidelines
In November 2020, the World Health Organization released their updated guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior. Below are links to the guidelines documents and other supporting material.
WHO Documents
- The full WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour
- Web annex: Evidence profiles: detailing the evidence behind the recommendations
- WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: at a glance: provides a summary of the recommendations and is available in all 6 UN languages
- WHO Press Release
Science behind the guidelines
For further detail on the science behind the guidelines, a number of resources are available:
- Scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals
- A BJSM podcast with Fiona Bull and Juana Willumsen
- An International Society For Physical Activity And Health Webinar on The Science Behind the WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour.
- A commentary on guidelines published in the Lancet
Also, read our blog post where we break down the six key messages from the 2020 guidelines.
More active people for a healthier world
WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030: more active people for a better world
In June 2018, the World Health Organisation launched the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA) 2018-2030: more active people for a better world. The GAPPA is a landmark document for physical activity and health globally. To find out more and to download your copy, visit here.

Fair Play: Building a strong physical activity system for more active people

Joint ISBNPA/ISPAH Webinar about the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity (GAPPA)
The Global Action Plan on PA (GAPPA) is a WHO initiative to promote PA worldwide for adoption in May 2018. GAPPA lays out the rationale and opportunities for multi-sectoral actions for progress on a key risk factor for NCDs.
Webinar content
- Inform about the plan
- Provide opportunity for feedback on plan with focus on research needs
- Provide opportunity for questions and discussion of GAPPA’s draft document and the elaboration of the societies’ key feedback points
Fiona Bull presented the plan. Charlie Foster (ISPAH President) and Jo Salmon (ISBNPA Past-President) led the discussion.
NCD Alliance webinar
During the NCD Alliance webinar on 14th February 2017, Dr Fiona Bull of WHO and Past President of the International Society for Physical Activity & Health (ISPAH) shared an overview of recent developments in physical activity advocacy – including an introduction to the Bankgok Declaration on Physical Activity and Health and Sustainable Development, and global policy movements including the WHO Executive Board endorsement of a proposal to develop a Global Action Plan on Physical Activity for presentation in 2018.
Momentum towards a more physically active future
In recognition of World Physical Activity Day 2017 on April 6, Trevor Shilton (ISPAH) and Lucy Westerman (NCD Alliance) have co-authored a blog discussing progress in the world of physical activity advocacy in the last 12 months and opportunities moving forward.
To read the blog please visit: Momentum towards a more physically active future