Rapid fire webinar advert v1
Rapid fire webinar advert v1

Get ready for our next joint ISPAH /ISBNPA webinar – Rapid Fire Implementation Science Learnings

Rapid-fire = lots of interaction!

Three early-career researchers discuss key learnings from their PhD studies in Implementation Science. From evaluation frameworks, to new measurement methods, to dissemination.

– Mary Kennedy (Edith Cowan University, Australia)
– Matthew ‘Tepi’ Mclaughlin (University of Newcastle, Australia)
– Sam Cassar (Deakin University, Australia)

Discussants: Prof PJ Naylor and Dr Rachel Sutherland

Feb 26, 2020 11:00 AM in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

This will stream live via our YouTube channel but will also be available to watch a few days later via our Free Webinars page.

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