people exercising
people exercising

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world and are increasing in both low- and high-income countries. NCDs including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease account for up to 71% of deaths globally. Many of these NCD deaths are preventable. Substantial action needs to be taken to stem the tide of premature mortality. 

The 6th to 12th of September this year marks the 4th annual Global Week for Action on NCDs. The theme for 2021 is Community Engagement. The campaign calls on everyone to take action to drive change – no action is too small; no voice is insignificant.  

ISPAH supports the NCD Alliance’s campaign – it’s time to #ActOnNCDs. The ISPAH “8 investments that work for physical activity” is a call to action for everyone, everywhere, including professionals, academics, civil society and decision makers, to embed physical activity in national and subnational policies. 

Actors globally have been sharing how they plan to take action to prevent unnecessary deaths. Some great examples of local and national action have been shared on Twitter using the hashtag #ActOnNCDs. 

The Act on NCDs website is there to support individuals, organisations and communities that want to take action. The website has a whole raft of resources available for download. These include social media kits, engagement guides and even nifty swag for event participants to wear! 

We encourage members of our community to get involved in the Global week for Action on NCDs. The #8investments can be used to advocate, inform and lead physical activity policy and discussion to act on NCDs.  Physical inactivity is often a neglected risk factor for NCDs. Physical inactivity is responsible for up to 8% of NCDs and deaths worldwide. 

We see the ISPAH #8Investments that work for physical activity and health as being a key way to act on NCDs. The eight investments are proven ways to increase physical activity. 

The ISPAH #8investments evidence document is currently available in multiple languages including Spanish, Arabic and Chinese. 

Together, we can beat #NCDs by supporting and TAKING ACTION on the ISPAH #8Investments that work for physical activity! 

#ActOnNCDs #8investments #physicalactivity #NCDs 

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