Ispah gopa partnership
Ispah gopa partnership

The Global Observatory for Physical Activity, Go-PA!, was established in 2014 as a council of ISPAH. The aim of Go-PA! is to monitor physical activity surveillance, research, and policy on physical activity worldwide.

Since its establishment, Go-PA! has been a very active ISPAH Council. A key activity for Go-PA! has been the physical activity profiling Country Cards initiative, which is supported by a worldwide network of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. This is an important and rapidly growing project, with 139 countries included in the first Country Cards in 2015 and 217 in the most recent round in 2021. To support its activities and physical activity promotion more broadly, Go-PA! has hosted numerous events to share knowledge and advocate for global action to reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality caused by physical inactivity

ISPAH has been proud to support the development and growth of Go-PA! and contribute to these important initiatives.

Go-PA! is now a well-recognised global entity. As such, ISPAH and Go-PA! have collectively agreed to transition to a new working relationship, by establishing a formal partnership. As such, Go-PA! will no longer be a council of ISPAH but a recognised global entity in its own right. Both ISPAH and Go-PA! are very excited by this development. We will continue to collaborate in much the same way, with ISPAH supporting the third set of Country Cards and launching these at the 2024 ISPAH Congress in Paris.

This transition marks an important opportunity to applaud and recognize Go-PA! for their tremendous growth and contribution to the field. ISPAH looks forward to the continued collaboration under our new partnership agreement!

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