Ahkga Resized
Ahkga Resized

On October 24th, 2022, physical activity researchers and experts from around the world came together to publicly release the Global Matrix 4.0 on physical activity for children and adolescents under the leadership of the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA). The Global Matrix 4.0 involved 682 experts who produced 57 country report cards, grading 10 common indicators related to the physical activity of children and adolescents.

The report revealed that modern lifestyles – increases in digital screen time, the growing urbanization of communities, and the rise in automation of previously manual tasks – are contributing to a pervasive yet unequally distributed public health problem that must be recognized as a global priority. Children and adolescents around the world are not moving enough to promote healthy growth and development, and the COVID-19 pandemic only made matters worse.

To learn more about the Global Matrix 4.0, please refer to the press release, scientific publications, and the AHKGA website. For any questions, please contact the AHKGA at gro.sdikyhtlaehevitcaobfsctd-41d6e6@ofni

Manuscripts published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health:

Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance Global Matrix 4.0 – a resource for physical activity researchers (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0257)

Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Adolescents: Results and Analyses from 57 Countries (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0456)

Recent secular trends in child and adolescent physical activity and sedentary behavior internationally: analyses of data from Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance Global Matrices 1.0-4.0 (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0312)

Association between physical activity indicators and Human Development Index at the national level: Information from the Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Cards for Children and Adolescents (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0321)

Economic freedom, climate culpability, and physical activity indicators among children and adolescents: Report Card grades from the Global Matrix 4.0 (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0342)

Promoting Physical Activity among Children and Adolescents with Disabilities: The Translation of Policy to Practice Internationally (https://doi.org/10.1123/JPAH.2022-0351)

Further information on solutions to “improve the grade” is available at:






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