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Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Stay Informed

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Build Networks

  • Membership of ISPAH Councils
  • Get involved with the Early Career Network (ECN)
  • Access regional networks
  • Connect with ISPAH members via our Member Directory


Share Research and Practice

  • $1,000 USD discounted rate for Free Access publications in JPAH
  • Social Media promotion of member publications in JPAH
  • Discounted registration rates for the biennial ISPAH Congress
  • Priority access to ISPAH Congress activities

Assist with Advocacy

  • Join a dynamic and influential international advocacy group
  • Contribute to position statements
  • Support partnerships with international agencies
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Develop Skills

  • Access exclusive member only webinars
  • Participate in capacity building activities
  • Access to ISPAH educational activities

Leadership Opportunities

  • Join the ISPAH Board and Committees
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Vacancy Application

Once you have completed the application please select 'Submit' below. A copy of your application will also be sent to you via email and directly to the ISPAH Board for review.