Our Vision, Mission, & Goals


A healthy active world where the opportunities for physical activity and active living are available to all


To advance and promote physical activity as a global health priority through excellence in science (research), education, capacity building and advocacy


  • Støtte communication of and excellence in research and practice on physical activity and public health
  • Develop capacity in research and practice on physical activity and public health world wide
  • Lead advocacy actions to advance research and knowledge dissemination to improve policy and practice and promote physical activity
  • Partner in global collaborations to advance physical activity and public health research and practice
  • Be a world leading global professional society for researchers and practitioners in physical activity and public health

Global Action is Needed!

An active lifestyle with regular physical activity improves health and well-being at any age and it is never too late to start. Currently, 1 in 4 adults and 4 out of 5 adolescents are not active enough to gain the mental, social and physical health benefits. Globally, this costs health care systems over $54 billion each year.



We know that active living provides other benefits aside from health. Physically active communities are healthier, cleaner, more connected and sustainable and good for business. Our message to everyone is simple

What We Do

Established in 2008, ISPAH is recognised as the leading global society of researchers and practitioners focussed on promoting physical activity across the life course. Here are a few highlights about us:

  • We connect you and your work with the global community to allow you to share and learn from each other
  • We actively support the development of early- and mid- career researchers and practitioners, particularly those in low and middle income countries
  • We connect research with global, regional, and national policy and practice, and actively engage in global advocacy for physical activity
  • We work to increase understanding of the mental, physical, and social health benefits of physical activity as we as the co-benefits to society
  • We welcome interdisciplinary partnerships recognising the role of all levels of government as well as sectors outside of health

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