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ISPAH Shorts

ISPAH Shorts

What are ISPAH shorts?

ISPAH shorts is an initiative from ISPAH’s Education Committee to help our members share their research findings in an innovative and engaging way. Launched in 2019 as an exclusive ISPAH member benefit, members were once again invited to submit abstracts from manuscripts published in 2020 for the opportunity to have them translated into digital form.

As part of a competitive process, each of the entries was scored based on clarity, quality, rigour, significance and importance to the field of physical activity and public health. This year we received 19 applications representing researchers from across the European (n=5) Western Pacific (n=6) and Pan American (n=8) regions of the ISPAH community.  Once again are pleased to present this year’s selected entries we would like to thank Jennifer Duncan for her work in bringing these entries to life.

Chastin et al., 2020. Inequality in physical activity – global trends by income inequality and gender in adults.

Lindsay et al., 2020. Brazilian immigrant fathers about their preschool-age children’s physical activity and screen time

Bozovic et al., 2020. Why do people walk? Role of the built environment & state of development of a model of walkability.

Carty et al., 2021. The First Global Physical Activity & Sedentary Behavior Guidelines for People Living With Disability

Mizdrak et al., 2021. Hitting physical activity targets but missing the point?






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