Recognising the important and complementary roles of reducing sedentary behaviour and increasing physical activity for improving global public health, the Sedentary Behaviour Council (SBC) was established to advance science, advocacy, and practice relating to sedentary behaviour and health.
Based on the definition provided by the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network (SBRN), we consider sedentary behaviour to comprise behaviours during waking hours that have low energy expenditure and are performed in a sitting or reclining posture. This is different from low levels of physical activity which should be referred to as ‘physical inactivity’ or ‘insufficient physical activity’
SBC has five core aims:
You can select to join The Sedentary Behaviour Council when joining or renewing your ISPAH membership. If you are already an ISPAH member and would like to be a member, you can do so in your Membership dashboard.
Paul Mackie
Paul is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia and is funded by Michael Smith Health Research BC (Canada). His research investigates the effects of an online seated exercise program on balance and mobility outcomes in those with a chronic stroke and mobility impairment.
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