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LMIC Research Council

LMIC Research Council

The Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC) Research Council was welcomed as an ISPAH council in 2019. The aims of the LMIC Research Council are (1) to strengthen research capacity, promote collaboration within and between members, (2) to advance the science and provide a platform for dissemination of quality outputs to direct advocacy for and (3) inform policy in physical activity in LMIC settings.

LMICs carry the largest burden from non-communicable diseases. In 2018, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) were the cause of 71% of all deaths worldwide (n=41 million deaths). Fifteen million of which were premature (between the ages of 30 and 69 years) and of these premature deaths, 85% occurring in LMICs. Physical activity is one of the major risk factors for NCDs.

A key component of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals is to reduce one-third of premature mortality by 2030 through improving population levels of physical activity.  To achieve this global policy target requires research, dissemination and advocacy in LMIC settings to assist policy makers by providing evidence and tools for better-informed decisions.

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The ISPAH LMIC Research Council will:
  • Contribute to advancing the science in relation to physical activity research in LMIC: we will facilitate training opportunities and international and trans-disciplinary collaborations to accelerate this scientific advancement.
  • Contribute to evidence-informed advocacy: support the generation of rigorous and robust evidence base to inform the formulation of public health guidelines in LMIC.
  • Support practice of physical activity promotion: facilitate the application of evidence-based, policy-relevant, and contextually-appropriate initiatives in encouraging physical activity in LMIC
  • Contribute to education: provide input into the biannual ISPAH Congress and associated workshops; training courses endorsed by ISPAH; online webinars; and teaching materials.
  • Build capacity: foster the development of early and mid-career researchers and practitioners by developing a mentoring/coaching scheme; create a database of expertise in physical activity in LMIC; contributing to the ISPAH newsletter and; networking events and opportunities for international collaboration.

LMIC Member of the Month

The LMIC Steering Committee is inviting applications from ISPAH LMIC members to be featured as LMIC Member of the Month. This initiative is designed to highlight LMIC members and facilitate connections with ISPAH’s global network of researchers and practitioners. Please click on the button below to complete a short application form.

LMIC Research Council Steering Committee

Faatihah Niyi-Odumosu
Profile photo
Nana Anokye
LMIC Chair
Estelle Victoria Lambert
Committee Member
Shifalika Goenka
Committee Member
Deborah Salvo
Committee Member
Asaduzzaman Khan
Committee Member
Profile photo
Patricia Mogrovejo
Committee Member
Profile photo
Deepti Adlakha
Committee Member

Joining the Council

You can select to join The LMIC Research Council when joining or renewing your ISPAH membership. If you are already an ISPAH member and would like to join the council, you can do so from your membership dashboard. 

If you are not an ISPAH member and would like to join, there are discounted prices for LMIC professional, student and retired members.

Membership TypeClassificationPrice USD ($)
ProfessionalMiddle Income Country85
ProfessionalLow Income Country20
StudentMiddle Income Country20
StudentLow Income Country0
RetiredMiddle Income Country20
RetiredLow Income Country0

For more information on membership fees, and to apply, click here.

LMIC Research Council
Once you have completed the form please select 'Submit' below. A copy of the form will also be sent to you via email and directly to the LMIC Research Council for review. Please allow up to 30 seconds for your application to be processed.
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