Ispah 200x392
Trevor Shilton
2014 -

Roles within ISPAH

Advocacy |
2014 -


Region: Western Pacific
Affiliation: Consultant
Job Title: Adj Prof
Website: Click Here


Trevor is an inaugural ISPAH Fellow. He took over as the ISPAH Lead for Advocacy in 2014, and has contributed to a range of ISPAH advocacy outputs including the Toronto Charter for Physical Activity, 7 Best Investments, 8 investments and the Bangkok Declaration. Trevor has led major advancements in the field of physical activity, including his own research, through policy and in practice, community-wide interventions, mass media campaigns and award-winning work in healthy urban planning. Trevor is currently Adjunct Professor of Public Health at Curtin University, is a consultant with the World Health Organization in physical activity, a consultant in health promotion and public health, and serves on Boards with the World Heart Federation and Asia Pacific Society for Physical Activity. Trevor has mentored and supported the development of numerous physical activity and public health professionals and advocates, through training, resources and formal and informal mentorship.


Oil painting, travel, guitar and being active walking, cycling, swimming,
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