Ispah 200x392
Rowena Naidoo
2022 -

Roles within ISPAH

Partnerships |
2022 -


Region: African
Affiliation: University of KwaZulu-Natal
Job Title: Head of Department/Academic Leader
Website: Click Here


Rowena Naidoo is an Associate Professor/biokineticist in the Discipline of Biokinetics, Exercise and Leisure Sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is a Developing Research Innovation, Localisation and Leadership (DRILL) fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal. In 2020, Prof Naidoo led the development and writing of two international policy briefs specifically on physical activity and health for children and adolescents during COVID-19 and Beyond. She is also a founding executive member of the International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise. More recently, Rowena has been appointed a World Health Organisation (WHO) Physical Activity Consultant. Rowena is currently a “Clean Sport Educator”, part of the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport and is the recipient of the World Anti-Doping Association Social Science research grant to develop an innovative anti-doping programme for adolescents. Research interest: Promoting cross-disciplinary and inter-institutional research projects, particularly concerning children with disabilities. Areas of current research interest include promoting physical activity and sport in children with disabilities.


Health promotion among children, specifically children with disabilities and workplace wellness, physical activity interventions; anti-doping interventions for adolescents
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