Ispah 200x392
Salomé Aubert
2022 -

Roles within ISPAH

Events |
2022 -


Region: European
Affiliation: Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA)
Job Title: Vice President


Salomé obtained her MSc degree in physical activity, sport, and health sciences from the University of Rennes 2 (France), and then completed a PhD in population health at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in 2020. In 2018, Salomé coordinated the development of the Global Matrix 3.0 on Physical Activity for Children and Youth that involved 500+ physical-activity experts across 49 countries and six continents. She also provided coordination and research support for the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network – terminology consensus project and its translation into 13 languages. In 2021, she led an international team of experts to conduct a review of the available international physical-activity data for children and adolescents, highlighting global surveillance and research gaps, formulating recommendations, and a call to action. In 2022, Salomé co-led and provided scientific support to the development of the Global Matrix 4.0 on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents involving 600+ researchers across 57 countries.


Global surveillance and promotion of physical activity


Rock climbing, trail running and other outdoor activities
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