High res logolockup ispah propass (1) (1)
High res logolockup ispah propass (1) (1)

ProPASS’ 4 Annual Meeting will take place on 27-28 April 2022 as an online 2-day event, with the general theme of Sharing the experience: setting up and expanding large international consortia of wearable devices data

Founded in 2017 at the University of Sydney, the Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleeping consortium (ProPASS) is a leading international collaboration on research wearables and cohort studies.

We are proud to be co-hosting this year’s event as formal partners of ProPASS. The Meeting is open to everyone.

The program can be viewed on the ProPASS website.”

Keynote speakers include:
Dr Rebecca Wilson | DataSHIELD, and University of Liverpool, UK
Dr Isabel Fortier | Maelstrom Research, and McGill University, Canada
Professor Andreas Holtermann | National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
Professor Anthony Okley | University of Wollongong, Australia
Professor Jasper Shipperijn | ISPAH President, and University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Associate Professor Karen Milton | ISPAH President-elect, and University of East Anglia, UK
Dr Bronwyn Clark | International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (ISMPB) President, and University of Queensland, Australia

