• Powerful actors who undermine physical activity policy must be challenged 


    肯特-布塞(Kent Buse,全球健康 50/50 联合创始人兼联合首席执行官,马来西亚莫纳什大学健康政策教授)在 2024 年 ISPAH 大会的主题演讲中,向体育锻炼界提出了挑战,要求体育锻炼界在制定有效的体育锻炼政策时更多地从政治角度思考和行动。 尽管...

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  • ISPAH Paris 2024: Reflections from the ISPAH Early Career Network 

    ISPAH 巴黎 2024:来自 ISPAH 早期职业网络的思考 

    For early career researchers in particular, attending an international conference can be a daunting yet transformative experience. Surrounded by experts, crowds of people from all over the globe, and a forest of colorful posters, signs and sponsor booths – overwhelm can be a common emotion.…

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