• Celebrating 25 years of Agita Mundo

    Celebrating 25 years of Agita Mundo

    This year marks the 25th anniversary of Agita Mundo – a community-wide campaign for promoting physical activity. ‘Agita’ is a Portuguese word meaning ‘to move the body’, but it also infers stimulating the mind, changing your way of thinking and becoming a more active citizen.…

    2 minutes de lecture
  • ISPAH supports #ActOnNCDs week

    ISPAH supports #ActOnNCDs week

    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world and are increasing in both low- and high-income countries. NCDs including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease account for up to 71% of deaths globally. Many of these NCD deaths are preventable. Substantial action needs to be taken to stem the tide of premature mortality.  The 6th to 12th of September this year marks the 4th annual Global Week for Action on NCDs. The…

    3 minutes de lecture
  • #8Investments (Dutch translation) presented to Minister of Regional Development and Sports in Suriname

    #8Investments (Dutch translation) presented to Minister of Regional Development and Sports in Suriname

    On August 17, 2021 Se-Sergio Baldew from the Anton de Kom University of Suriname met with the Surinamese Minister of Regional Development and Sports and her team and handed over the Dutch version of the #8investments that work for physical activity. He had the opportunity…

    1 minute de lecture
  • Summary of the WHO PA and SB Guidelines

    Résumé des lignes directrices de l'OMS relatives à l'AP et à la BS

    The World Health Organization has launched the 2020 global WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. These guidelines emphasize that everyone, of all ages and abilities, can be physically active and that every type of movement counts. Four to five million deaths per year…

    3 minutes de lecture
  • Staying Active During COVID-19

    Staying Active During COVID-19

    What strange times we are living in…”  …a global situation that has us all experiencing lockdown in some form or another. In your country, you might be allowed outside your home to be physically active, which we all know is vital for our physical and…

    6 minutes read

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