Hay que hacer frente a los poderosos que socavan la política de actividad física
En una charla magistral en el Congreso ISPAH 2024, Kent Buse (cofundador y codirector ejecutivo de Global Health 50/50 y profesor de Política Sanitaria en la Universidad Monash de Malasia) desafió a la comunidad de la actividad física a pensar y actuar más políticamente para lograr políticas eficaces para la actividad física. A pesar de...
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La "generación sándwich", protagonista del Día Internacional de la Mujer
Relacionabilidad, diversidad, seguridad y capacidad de elección son claves para capacitar a las mujeres mayores de 50 años a través de la actividad física. La actividad física es crucial para maximizar la salud y el bienestar, especialmente a medida que envejecemos.Sin embargo, muchas mujeres mayores "jóvenes" de 50 años o más se enfrentan a retos propios de la etapa de la vida en la que se encuentran para mantenerse físicamente activas.....
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Día Mundial de la Obesidad 2025: ISPAH apoya un enfoque sistémico para una vida más sana
¿Por qué un Día de la Obesidad? La obesidad sigue siendo una enfermedad muy mal entendida, principalmente porque muchas personas siguen atribuyéndola a decisiones personales. Desgraciadamente, estas creencias (erróneas) pueden conducir al estigma, los prejuicios y la discriminación relacionados con el peso: actitudes, estereotipos y acciones nocivas y generalizadas que tienen repercusiones negativas a...
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Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance Global Matrix 5.0 to be released at the ISPAH 2026 Congress
A continuación se presenta una versión en español de este artículo. Country and jurisdictional Report Card development has begun! The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) is preparing the Global Matrix 5.0 of physical activity Report Cards. The latest edition of their comprehensive assessment of…
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ISPAH Paris 2024: Reflections from the ISPAH Early Career Network
For early career researchers in particular, attending an international conference can be a daunting yet transformative experience. Surrounded by experts, crowds of people from all over the globe, and a forest of colorful posters, signs and sponsor booths – overwhelm can be a common emotion.…
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Paris 2024: A Landmark Event for the International Physical Activity Community
The 10th ISPAH Congress in Paris has come to a successful conclusion. Co-hosted by the French Society of Public Health (SFSP) with co-sponsorship from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the congress took place from October 28-31, 2024 with workshops, symposiums, keynotes, and presentations on the…
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A tribute to Dr Simon J. Marshall
Dr Simon J. Marshall August 14th, 1970 – June 1st, 2024 A tribute by Stuart Biddle and Mark Falcous Stuart was Simon’s PhD supervisor at Loughborough University. Mark was a fellow PhD student with Simon and struck up a great friendship that lasted for the…
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Apoyo a las iniciativas sobre emisiones de carbono del Congreso ISPAH 2024
Make a Difference: Complete the ISPAH Congress 2024 Carbon Emissions Survey As part of our commitment to sustainability, ISPAH is partnering with Climate Partner to measure the carbon emissions associated with our society and the ISPAH Congress 2024. This initiative will enable us to set…
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ISPAH welcomes New President-Elect Deborah Salvo
ISPAH Welcomes New President-Elect Deborah Salvo: Charting a Course for Global Physical Activity and Health We are excited to announce that Dr. Deborah Salvo has been elected as the new President-Elect of the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH). Dr. Salvo, an Associate…
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Introducing the 2024 Bill Kohl Peer Review Academy Mentees
The International Society for Physical Activity & Health (ISPAH) and the Journal of Physical Activity & Health (JPAH) are proud to announce the first class of mentees for the Bill Kohl Peer Review Academy. This Academy, named in honor of the late Harold W. (Bill)…
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Unveiling WHO’s New Global Physical Inactivity Estimates: A Call to Action from ISPAH
Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) published new global comparable estimates of physical inactivity in adults on their website (https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/378026) and a full paper in The Lancet Global health (https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(24)00150-5 ). This analysis identifies which countries are estimated to be “on track” to achieve the…
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Prioritizing Climate Action at the ISPAH Congress 2024
Climate change poses a direct threat to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being. As temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more frequent, access to safe and healthy environments for physical activity will be increasingly compromised. As a…
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