four boy playing ball on green grass
four boy playing ball on green grass

This workshop provides a platform for ISPAH members from Low- and Middle-income countries to showcase their research ideas and get collegial feedback on their research proposals.
Selected proposals will get the opportunity to pitch their research ideas to a panel of experts and gain feedback.

If you are a researcher from a Low- and Middle-income country and have a research idea that you would like to pitch, ISPAH is accepting submissions via the online portal at:
Simply select the LMIC Research Council from the dropdown menu and provide an outline of your research proposal.

The most promising research proposals will be selected to present at the event.

– Presenters will give a 2-3 minutes pitch on any project idea (slides are optional)
– The panel of experts will provide feedback and recommendations including suggesting mentors/collaborators, as appropriate, for the piece of research
– The winner will be given a discounted registration to attend the next ISPAH Congress in Paris in October 2024

The deadline for submissions is 24th February 2023. Successful candidates will be notified by 3rd March 2023.

The event is open to all, whether you wish to pitch an idea or not.

We look forward to welcoming you to the first ISPAH ‘Dragon’s Den’ on 10th March 2023, 14:00 – 15:00 GMT.

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