Unveiling WHO’s New Global Physical Inactivity Estimates: A Call to Action from ISPAH
Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) published new global comparable estimates of physical inactivity in adults on their website (https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/378026) and a full paper in The Lancet Global health (https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(24)00150-5 ). This analysis identifies which countries are estimated to be “on track” to achieve the…
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Série de Workshops da SBC | Dados de comportamento sedentário coletados pelo activPAL: Como limpar e processar dados [datas revisadas]
The Sedentary Behaviour Council (SBC) welcomes everyone to attend the workshop series focusing on cleaning and processing sedentary behaviour data collected by the activPAL. The sessions will provide information on different software available to use with activPAL data and how to use them, as well…
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Satellite Event: Towards the 1st device-based guidelines of physical activity, sedentary behaviour & sleep
The ProPASS consortium-ISPAH partnership are excited to announce a free online satellite event to the ISPAH Congress 2022. ISPAH Congress 2022 is taking place on the 23rd – 26th of October 2022. The ProPASS consortium-ISPAH partnership are hosting a free 3-hour ISAPH Congress 2022 satellite symposium entitled “Towards the 1st device-based guidelines of physical activity, sedentary…
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Sedentary Behaviour Council Webinar Series: Part 3 – International Recommendations For School Related Sedentary Behaviours
The Sedentary Behaviour Council welcomes everyone to attend a Webinar on new International Recommendations for School-Related Sedentary Behaviour. The session will provide an overview of the evidence and process used to inform the recommendations, as well as reviewing the recommendations themselves. Webinars will be recorded…
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New partnership: The Prospective Physical Activity, Sitting and Sleep consortium (ProPASS) & the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH)
A new partnership between ISPAH and ProPASS to address critical gaps in the evidence base for global and national guideline development for physical activity and sedentary behaviour. ISPAH and ProPASS are entering an exciting long-term partnership aimed at addressing critical gaps in the evidence base…
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Sedentary Behaviour Council Webinar: Building an international database of sedentary behaviours
The 2nd Sedentary Behaviour Council Webinar will focus on international databases in sedentary behaviour. Please register for the FREE 1 hour webinar. Details: Time: 4pm GMT, Feb 22, 2022 Speakers and topics: 1. Dr Paul Mackie – Sedentary Behaviour Council Program (5 min) 2. Professor…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 5 – Active Ageing – Every Move Counts!
We are delighted to organise the fifth webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: Nov 3, 2021 8:00 PM London, UK time Topic: Active Ageing – Every Move Counts! Confirmed…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 4 – New Guidelines, New Surveillance?
We are delighted to organise the fourth webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: June 3, 2021 14:00 GMT LondonTopic: New guidelines, New surveillance? Confirmed speakers: – Rick Troiano, National Institutes…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 3 – Youth Guidelines [English & Spanish]
We are delighted the next webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: May 6, 2021 13:00 GMT LondonTopic: Youth Guidelines – How can we get young people more active? Speakers: Jean-Phillipe…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 1
We are delighted to announce the first webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. This first webinar of the series will focus on: How guidelines can be used to create physical…
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A ciência por trás das diretrizes de AF e SB da OMS [gravação já disponível]
Na quinta-feira, 3 de 2020, o ISPAH organizou um webinar para apoiar o lançamento das novas Diretrizes da OMS sobre Atividade Física e Comportamento Sedentário. Tivemos a sorte de ouvir vários palestrantes que estiveram envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento das diretrizes ou foram nomeados editores de periódicos...
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Resumo das diretrizes da OMS sobre AF e SB
The World Health Organization has launched the 2020 global WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour. These guidelines emphasize that everyone, of all ages and abilities, can be physically active and that every type of movement counts. Four to five million deaths per year…
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