ISPAH regularly hosts webinars on key issues related to physical activity and health – including most recently a joint ISPAH and WHO webinar series on the “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details of all previous webinars and links to the webinar recordings can be found below.
To get full access to our exclusive webinars, congress keynotes, and videos, please sign up to become a member of ISPAH.
ISPAH/JPAH Webinar – Early Career Socials: Facilitating Peer-to-Peer Discussions Among Early Career Professionals 16th November 2023
ISPAH/JPAH Webinar – The Physical Activity Policy to Practice Disconnect 20 October 2023
LMIC Council Workshop: Dragon’s Den – Nurturing Research Ideas 10 March 2023
ISPAH/ProPASS Webinar – Congress Satellite Event: Towards the 1st device-based guidelines of physical activity, sedentary behaviour & sleep 2 November 2022
Addressing Mental Health for Early Career Professionals: ISPAH & ASPA Early Career Network 26 April 2022
Early Career Workshop 11 Oct 2021
GoPA! webinar: Launching the 2nd Physical Activity Almanac – GoPA! Country Cards 11 Aug 2021
ASPA webinar: Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity 12 Jul 2021
2021 ISPAH and WHO webinar series on the “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice” Webinar 4: New guidelines, new surveillance? 3 Jun 2021
ISPAH ECN webinar Navigating the ISPAH Congress 2021 as an Early Career Professional 1 June 2021
WHO Webinar A stronger, fairer physical activity and sport system for all: ReINVENT and ReBUILD 6 Apr 2021
ISPAH and HEPA Europe early career webinar Physical activity and health research during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and opportunities for early career professionals” 1 Apr 2021
2021 ISPAH and WHO webinar series on the “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice” Webinar 2: Why and how to reduce sedentary behaviour? 4 Mar 2021
The science behind the second set of Global Observatory for Physical Activity Country cards. 15 Feb 2021
2021 ISPAH and WHO webinar series on the “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice” Webinar 1: How guidelines can be used to create physical activity behaviour change 4 Feb 2021
The science behind the WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour 3 Dec 2020
Rapid Fire Implementation Science Learnings 26 Feb 2020
Is the definition of physical activity too narrow? 29 Oct 2019
Getting the most out of a conference: What to do before, during and after 28 May 2019
ISBNPA NESIMNC and ISPAH Webinar Mentoring in health behavior research 19 Mar 2019
NESI ISBNPA ISPAH ECN Webinar: Surviving your PhD without burnout 26 Nov 2018
ISPAH ISBNPA Webinar: Disseminating research output to increase audience and outreach 17 Sep 2018
The WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 9 Aug 2018
ISBNPA ISPAH Webinar Publishing High Impact Papers: A Researcher’s and Editor’s Perspective 8 May 2018
Joint ISPAH ISBNPA Webinar: The ‘how to’s and how not to’s’ of peer reviewing: perspectives from a reviewer and a journal editor 19 Mar 2018
ISBNPA NESI ISPAH Joint Webinar Working in Government Health 21 Nov 2017
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