ISPAH blir medlem av WHOs arbeidsgruppe for det sivile samfunn om ikke-smittsomme sykdommer
International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) er stolt over å kunngjøre sitt medlemskap i Verdens helseorganisasjons (WHO) arbeidsgruppe for sivilsamfunnet (CSWG) om ikke-smittsomme sykdommer. Som den eneste organisasjonen i gruppen som utelukkende er dedikert til fysisk aktivitet og folkehelse, er...
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Vi oppdaterer vedtektene våre
The ISPAH by-laws set out our goals and values as a society, the roles and responsibilities of our Board members and our processes of operation. The by-laws are reviewed biennially to ensure they remain current and updated on an ad hoc basis subject to changes…
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ISPAH-kongressen - Felles ISPAH/JPAH Early Career Social
Are you attending the ISPAH congress in Paris? Then this ISPAH-JPAH Early Career Social is for you! As an early career researcher, attending conferences can be daunting. So many interesting people, insightful scientific presentations and keynotes, a myriad of social activities and opportunities to network.…
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ISPAH-kongressen 2024 i Paris: Spennende oppdateringer og muligheter!
Early Bird Extension to 5th August Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at the ISPAH Congress 2024 in Paris with our Early Bird registration, now extended to 5th August. Register early to benefit from discounted rates and ensure your participation in…
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Er du i ferd med å bygge en karriere innen fysisk aktivitet og helse, men er usikker på hva som er ditt neste skritt?
Join us at our next online ISPAH-JPAH Early Career Social with co-hosts Dr Jacqueline Mair (JPAH Senior Associate Editor) and Dr Kim Straun (ISPAH ECN Chair) where you can connect with our community, share your experiences, and explore the theme of career development. Learn what…
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Vi kunngjør et formelt partnerskap mellom ISPAH og Go-PA!
The Global Observatory for Physical Activity, Go-PA!, was established in 2014 as a council of ISPAH. The aim of Go-PA! is to monitor physical activity surveillance, research, and policy on physical activity worldwide. Since its establishment, Go-PA! has been a very active ISPAH Council. A…
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Launch of ISPAH-JPAH Early Career Socials
Are you an early career professional working in physical activity and health? We’re excited to welcome you to the launch of our very first online Early Career Social, a JPAH-ISPAH collaboration aiming to facilitate peer-to-peer discussions among early career professionals. The first edition will focus…
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Early Career Network (ECN) 2023/24 – Roll Call!
The ISPAH ECN is a group of eight early career professionals working in physical activity and public health across the globe – from Australia to Belgium, Singapore, the UK, Portugal, Vietnam, Türkiye, Mexico and Ethiopia. This committee works hard behind the scenes to provide early…
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World Day for Physical Activity – April 6
World Day for Physical Activity is April 6, 2023. This event was established in 2002, led by Agita Mundo with support from the World Health Organization. This year’s theme – “Have a Good Time! Be Active!” – emphasizes the importance of fun. If we enjoy…
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ISPAH launches new photography competition
As a community interested in physical activity and health, we cannot help but take photos of people being active, good cycle lanes or bike storage, signs that forbid activities such as cycling and skateboarding… Well, now’s your chance to put all those photos to good…
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Open vacancies to join the ISPAH Board are closing early!
Due to a high volume of applicants, the closing date for both the ISPAH Board Advocacy role and Events role has been bought forward to Friday 2nd December 2022. With just one week left to apply, please click the link below for more information on the…
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