• ECN Webinar: Navigating the ISPAH 2021 Congress

    ECN Webinar: Navigating the ISPAH 2021 Congress

    This 30-minute webinar will provide an overview of the ISPAH 2021 congress including abstract submissions, networking opportunities, and other professional development tailored to Early Career Researchers (ECN). We are committed to equal access for this conference, and have ensured affordable registration rates for ECR members,…

    1 minuto di lettura
  • 2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 3 – Youth Guidelines [English & Spanish]

    2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 3 – Youth Guidelines [English & Spanish]

    We are delighted the next webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: May 6, 2021 13:00 GMT LondonTopic: Youth Guidelines – How can we get young people more active? Speakers: Jean-Phillipe…

    2 minuti di lettura
  • 2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 1

    2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 1

    We are delighted to announce the first webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. This first webinar of the series will focus on: How guidelines can be used to create physical…

    1 minuto di lettura
  • ISPAH Webinar – The Science behind the WHO PA and SB Guidelines

    ISPAH Webinar – The Science behind the WHO PA and SB Guidelines

    The Science Behind the WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour – setting the agenda for discussion and future research We are delighted to support the launch of the new WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour. We will be hosting a webinar…

    1 minuto di lettura
  • Next joint ISPAH /ISBNPA webinar – [closed]

    Next joint ISPAH /ISBNPA webinar – [closed]

    Get ready for our next joint ISPAH /ISBNPA webinar – Rapid Fire Implementation Science Learnings Rapid-fire = lots of interaction! Three early-career researchers discuss key learnings from their PhD studies in Implementation Science. From evaluation frameworks, to new measurement methods, to dissemination. Speakers:– Mary Kennedy…

    1 minuto di lettura

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