Webinar conjunto ISPAH-JPAH: "La desconexión entre la política y la práctica de la actividad física"
Are you concerned about the staggering toll of physical inactivity on global health? Do you believe that it’s time to bridge the gap between policies and action? Join us for conversation on “Physical Activity Policy to Practice Disconnect”, a recently published commentary in the Journal…
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SBC Workshop Series | Datos sobre comportamiento sedentario recogidos por el activPAL: Cómo limpiar y procesar los datos [fechas revisadas]
The Sedentary Behaviour Council (SBC) welcomes everyone to attend the workshop series focusing on cleaning and processing sedentary behaviour data collected by the activPAL. The sessions will provide information on different software available to use with activPAL data and how to use them, as well…
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[Nueva fecha] Taller del Consejo de los PBMI: Dragons' Den - Cultivando ideas de investigación
This workshop provides a platform for ISPAH members from Low- and Middle-income countries to showcase their research ideas and get collegial feedback on their research proposals.Selected proposals will get the opportunity to pitch their research ideas to a panel of experts and gain feedback. If…
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Congreso ISPAH 2022 - Reunión del Consejo de Investigación de los PBMI
The LMIC Research Council would like to invite all low and middle income country (LMIC) researchers, academics, and related professionals to an informal meeting held during the ISPAH Congress 2022. Date: Tuesday, 25th October 2022 Venue: ISPAH Booth within the conference venue Time: Coffee break/networking session…
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Early Career Network Pre-Congress Workshop | ISPAH Congress 2022 | Register
When: Sunday, October 23rd from 2:30-4:30 (UAE timezone) Where: The Hive, Room at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (no online link available, face-to-face only) Organised by: ISPAH Early Career Network Note: This event is freeTopics will include:
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Satellite Event: Towards the 1st device-based guidelines of physical activity, sedentary behaviour & sleep
The ProPASS consortium-ISPAH partnership are excited to announce a free online satellite event to the ISPAH Congress 2022. ISPAH Congress 2022 is taking place on the 23rd – 26th of October 2022. The ProPASS consortium-ISPAH partnership are hosting a free 3-hour ISAPH Congress 2022 satellite symposium entitled “Towards the 1st device-based guidelines of physical activity, sedentary…
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ISPAH/ASPA webinar: Addressing Mental Health and Wellbeing for Early Career Professionals: ISPAH Early Career Network
Over the last couple of years, mental health has been elevated to the forefront of conversations in the workplace and is finally getting the recognition it deserves. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically worsened mental health status worldwide for many, and so we felt it important…
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ProPASS’ 4th Annual Meeting
ProPASS’ 4th Annual Meeting will take place on 27-28 April 2022 as an online 2-day event, with the general theme of Sharing the experience: setting up and expanding large international consortia of wearable devices data Founded in 2017 at the University of Sydney, the Prospective…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 5 – Active Ageing – Every Move Counts!
We are delighted to organise the fifth webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: Nov 3, 2021 8:00 PM London, UK time Topic: Active Ageing – Every Move Counts! Confirmed…
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ISPAH Virtual AGM – Oct 13
In line with the virtual ISPAH Congress experience taking place next week (12-14th Oct), ISPAH’s Annual General Meeting will also take place virtually on Wednesday 13th October 12:30-1:50 PM BST during the lunch break on day 2 of the Congress. All congress delegates are invited…
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Webinar – Launching the 2nd Physical Activity Almanac – GoPA! Country Cards
In the Second Physical Activity Almanac, GoPA! presents the complete Second Set of 164 Country Cards with the available evidence up to 2019-2020 on physical activity research, policy and surveillance worldwide, corresponding to a global coverage of 75.9%. The purpose of the Almanac is to help…
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2021 ISPAH and WHO Webinar series: Webinar 4 – New Guidelines, New Surveillance?
We are delighted to organise the fourth webinar in the ISPAH and WHO 2021 series on “WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour: Translating science to practice”. Details: When: June 3, 2021 14:00 GMT LondonTopic: New guidelines, New surveillance? Confirmed speakers: – Rick Troiano, National Institutes…
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